Thursday, February 28, 2013

This and that

So I have been thinking and thinking about what I want to write about for my next post, and I have total writes block!  This can't be happening!  I am sure it is nothing more than the haze of meds and other things flying around in my head.  The past few weeks have been hard ones for me with a cold that just would not go away.  I was on 1 round of antibiotics and it didn't seem to clear it up.  Then on Valentine's Day night I spiked a fever of 103.8 and could NOT get it to come down.  After a call to the doctor in the morning and a trip to the hospital for a flu test and a chest x-ray I got a call that I had pneumonia.  I got another antibiotic and steroid to help with the breathing.  So I spent the next 4 days in bed and not even able to take care of Noah. Finally by Tuesday I was able to go back to work, which took everything out of me to make it through the day.  That Friday I had a follow up at the doctor and ended up on another round of steroids and 2 different inhalers; she said things didn't seem to be clearing up.  I am finally starting to feel a little bit better.  I am still having breathing issues at time but it is much better and less often.
So with all that going on I have really not had alot of time to think about the blog; so I am just going to post a Noah update.
He is getting so big and had a major temper.  I think right now we may be going through some separation anxiety, especially with me.  He is fine as long as I am in the room,but as soon as I leave he has a total melt down.  I am sure alot of that is because Joe drops him off at daycare and I pick him up so he isn't used to me leaving him.  In the past 7 days he has gotten 4 teeth that have come through completely and looks like 2 more are ready to break the skin.  So I am sure that is not helping.  He is a climber, and will climb on anything he can.  Even his toys with wheels so I see some hospital trips in our future!  He is starting to get a little braver and will leave go to turn and step like a 1/2 step to a step to get you or grap something else but no full blown walking.  At times I feel like I am doing something wrong as a parent because he was so late in getting teeth and isn't walking.  And won't even hold his own bottle, all of which he can do but won't.  Finally I realized it is nothing I am doing wrong and he will do it when he wants to.  We work with him on it and that is all we can do.  He is a happy healthy baby who is well adjusted so I have to be doing something correct. 

So on a side note, my blog was featured on a website called Mom at Last, I have a button for it on the side so stop by and check it out.
Also this is a great site, they have so many article on it and many resources for adoption.  Like the Webinar they are having in March.  It is a Webinar to help with resources for adoption,  the one in March will have a guest speaker from Gifts of Adoptions.  I know having received a grant for some of the cost of our adopton was a big thing and any information you can get is always good to have.
Here is a link to it as well.

Have a great day

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